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Cynthia Brian
2 min read
In Person Schooling, Artificial Intelligence, and Healthy Cooking
Students are back in school…in person. And it’s challenging and exhausting. Ruhani Chhabra hosts a program with back-in-school teens. In...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Women's Safety
Have you ever felt frightened or intimidated when out walking alone? Have you ever wondered what you should do if approached by an...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Environmental Crisis
Earth is in peril. Severe droughts parch some areas while torrential rains flood others; gargantuan wildfires consume whole territories...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Ecology, Healing with Nature, and Environmental Racism Sidney Suh and Diya Hituvalli host an...
Cynthia Brian
2 min read
Space Exploration
on Many children say that when they grow up they want to be an astronaut. Going into space as a regular citizen is not a distant...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Social Media and Influencing “Don’t use social media to impress people, use it to impact people”...
Cynthia Brian
4 min read
Performing and Country Recording Artist, Mikayla Lane Maggie and Diya host a program focused...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Overcoming Learning Disabilities
“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and only cease at death” Albert Einstein Host Andrea Smith and Express Yourself! welcome a...
Cynthia Brian
4 min read
Performing Artist, Graciela, & Teen Entrepreneurship
Dreams begin early for most everyone; but it takes passion, belief, and determination to turn a dream into a reality. Teen hosts Diya...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
What qualities make a person a good leader? Hosts Andrea Smith and Maggie Campione investigate the traits that all empowering leaders...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Happy 4th! Write a Poem! It is a myth that America declared their independence...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Poetry and Gratitude
Arjin Claire launches Innovation Nation showing how innovation has impacted poetry. He takes us back to 2100BC to what is widely...
Cynthia Brian
2 min read
Teens Honor Their Dads It’s a Father’s Day special on Express Yourself! as Diya Hituvalli and...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Science Fiction and Movies Did you watch a ton of movies during this past year? Diya Hituvalli...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Getting through it!
Life After Trauma-Getting Through It! Diya Hituvali hosts a program that focuses on hardships that people experience throughout life. In...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Be Happy! Happiness Nihal Gill and Diya Hituvalli cohost an hour of Indian happiness. They...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Science and Fiction
Nihal Gill and Diya Hituvalli cohost a program about the intersection of science and fiction. They interview the delightful storyteller,...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Perseverance, Persistence, and Women’s Judo “Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get...
Cynthia Brian
4 min read
Oceans and Connections
• • Since childhood host, Andrea Smith, was drawn to the ocean. It’s mystical presence, its infinite size, its deep blue waters dazzling...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Travel and Yoga Nidra
Hosts Maggie Campione and Diya Hituvalli travel the world, sharing where they’ve been and where they want to go as soon as pandemic...
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