MEDIA PAGE for Producers, Reporters, and Booking Agents
Thank you for considering Cynthia Brian for your next project or interview. Below you'll find short and long biographies, important websites, interview questions, testimonials, and sample photos. Read articles by Cynthia and Interviews with Cynthia. Contact us for higher resolutions or further information. For books, contact Litary Agent, Gayle Gladstone at Waterside Productions. For acting, commercials, or as a spokesperson, contact STARS, the Agency, 415-421-6272.
"Cynthia Brian shares lessons for living at the celestial level–straight from the heart." Dr. Wayne Dyer
Cynthia Brian has spent a lifetime inspiring and motivating others to be their best selves. She is a long-time acting talent and member of SAG/AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild/American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) as well as a professional member of ASID (American Society of Interior Designers). Cynthia is the President of StarStyle® Productions, LLC, StarStyle® Interiors and Designs as well as the Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 literacy and positive media charity. As a New York Times best-selling author, Cynthia has published nine books, Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, Be the Star You Are!®99 Gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference, Be the Star You Are!® for TEENS, Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers, The Business of Show Business, The Blessings of Love and Relationships, No Barnyard Bullies, Family Forever, Books in the Barnyard, and Miracle Moments®. She has also contributed to numerous anthologies and endorsed books she believes are worthy. Cynthia produces and hosts the weekly lifestyle radio broadcast, StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® and produces the young adult radio show, Express Yourself!™ Teen Radio, both on the Voice America Network Empowerment Channel. In addition, she is a garden columnist, global lecturer, coach, consultant, a Top Reviewer at Trip Advisor, and formerly on the Elite Squad at Yelp. When she is not on air, writing, coaching, or speaking, you’ll find her in her garden surrounded by her adopted barnyard animals.
Starstyle® Radio: www.StarStyleRadio.com
Express Yourself!â„¢ Radio: www.ExpressYourselfTeenRadio.com
Express Yourself!â„¢ Creative Community:
Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 charity:
Great Non Profit Reviews:
General Questions
You grew up on a farm and you are a New York Times best selling author. How did living on a farm shape your work ethic? Were you surprised by this accolade?
Starstyle® Productions, llc is the parent company for Starstyle® Interiors and Designs, StarStyle® Radio, Starstyle® Furniture, StarStyle® Store, etc. Why did you chose the name StarStyle®?
Tell us about the heart of your work in the world…
How did you come to doing your work of coaching, producing/hosting TV/radio programs, writing, speaking, and philanthropy?
You have produced and hosted the live radio broadcast, StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® weekly since 1998. What’s the secret to your endurance?
With a husband, family, garden, and busy career of writing, coaching, radio shows, the charity, and more, your plate is very full. How do you balance everything?
You are passionate about inspiring others to be their best selves and have founded the all volunteer charity, Be the Star You Are!®. Tell us about Be the Star You Are!®
Who has inspired you to live your "calling", and why?
Is it really possible for everyone to live their dreams and find their purpose?
When times get tough, what gift could help us keep going?
How can we keep passion in our lives?
What value does spirituality play in person's life?
What’s next?
Please give us your websites.
As an actor, you have worked with A-List celebrities and been a part of Academy Award and Emmy winning projects. What’s the essential ingredient to success in the entertainment industry?
You have doubled for several famous beautiful women, including Farrah Fawcett, Goldie Hawn, Morgan Fairchild, and Dyan Cannon. What kind of responsibility is that?
Many parents want to get their children into show business. Do you have any advice for them?
You have had the opportunity to work in various areas of the industry as a writer, director, producer, coach, set designer, host, and talent. Do you prefer one hat to another?
Your book, The Business of Show Business, has been an important guide for so many. Why do actors need to regard acting as a business?
Tell us what it is like voting for the annual SAG Awards or being a judge for the Emmys.
What’s next in the entertainment world for you?
Books and Writing
As the author of nine books and counting, have you always loved writing? To whom or what do you contribute your success?
You have often said that your “heart” book, is the award winning Be the Star You Are!® 99 Gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference. Why is that?
What motivated you to write the book, Be the Star You Are! 99 Gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference? (or any of the other books: Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, Be the Star You Are!® for TEENS, Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers, The Business of Show Business, The Blessings of Love and Relationships, and Miracle Moments®, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, No Barnyard Bullies, Family Forever, and Books in the Barnyard?
Tell us more about your books. (Select a book or topic)
You have written 14 editions of the Benjamin Franklin award-winning book, The Business of Show Business, A Comprehensive Career Guide for Actors and Models and you also have created an audio enhanced version. Why did you write this book and why has it been called the “bible” for getting into and staying in the entertainment industry while avoiding the scams?
What about freelance writing? How challenging is it to get published?
You are a blogger and also a top-level contributor to Trip Advisor and formerly on the Elite Squad at Yelp. What do you find gratifying about writing reviews and blogs?
Do you have any upcoming books we should know about?
Gardening is not only your passion and hobby, it is also a career for you as you are a garden writer as well as garden guide. Why are you called "The Goddess Gardener"?
How did you co-author Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul?
Why is being a steward of the earth and digging in the dirt so critical to our health and happiness?
Do you work in your garden?
We understand that you have always adopted abandoned and abused animals. Are you still doing this? Who lives in your happy menagerie?
As a staff writer for a newspaper, how do you get your ideas for your gardening columns?
Besides being a guest on over 1000 radio programs, you have produced and hosted the live radio broadcast, StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® weekly since 1998 and have interviewed over 2000 authors, celebrities, and other guests. Is there any thread that runs consistent with successful people?
Your daughter, Heather Brittany, was co-host of the T42-A Mother/Daughter Brew segment since she was a teenager. You called yourselves the Mother/Daughter Dynamic Duo. How did this begin and what has it been like to work together for so many years?
Express Yourself!™ Teen Radio was launched because of a demand for teens to have a voice. What’s the back-story?
How do you like coaching teens and young adults to be reporters for Express Yourself!™?
Is it challenging to produce radio shows?
You have lectured at spas, retreats, conferences, meetings, symposiums, and even on cruise ships around the world. Do you have a favorite venue?
Speaking is the number one fear of most people. Death is second. What do you make of this assumption that speaking in public is a death-dying act?
What topics are your most requested?
If someone is looking for a lecturer, how do they book you?
Tell us about the charity you founded, Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Why is positive message programming so important if we want to change the messages that the world, especially our children receive?
Be the Star You Are!® is an all-volunteer non-profit, and that includes you. Since you are not paid to be the Executive Director, why do you exert the immense time commitment?
You are a mentor to many. Do you feel an obligation to “pay it forward?”
Why is it important to make a difference in the world?
Your motto is “Read, lead, succeed. To be a leader, you must be a reader.” Why is literacy critical for success?
How can our fans be supportive of Be the Star You Are!®?
Listen to what the teens say about 24 years of BTSYA under Cynthia Brian's tutelage.
You are an “Empowerment Architect”. Why is empowering others so significant to you?
You coach for writing, acting, speaking, and lifestyle challenges. Is there one theme that runs through all of your coaching?
If a person had a terrible childhood, how can you overcome those memories and "parental tapes?"
As a media coach, you help people meet the press. What are some tips you can share with us?
How do we design lives we love?
A happy cohesive family is imperative to you and you write about personal balance and relationships extensively. Any secrets to share about how to maintain a long-lasting marriage, raise children, and have close relationships with your loved ones?

Working on Venom 2

Cynthia Brian headshot

Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian writes the Growing book series offers garden consultations and is the garden columnist for Digging Deep.

Cynthia Brian-headshot

Cynthia Brian

Garden Goddess. Cynthia Brian

Cynthia on a shoot

No Smile, Cynthia Brian

On movie set

Chicken Lady, Cynthia Brian

Farmer Cynthia Brian with her goats

StarStyle-Be the Star You Are! radio broadcasting LIVe since 1998

Hosts of StarStyle, Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany

The Mother/Daughter Dynamic Duo on StarStyle® Radio

The Business of Show Business

"High Society" playing Mrs. Weston with Stone Cold Steve Austin

In the Clary Sage with Cynthia Brian

Cynthia Brian New York Times Best Selling Author

Cynthia Brian New York Times Best Selling Author

Book I in the Growing series with tips and tricks to enjoy nature,

Bullies not Welcome! Nobody likes a bully. Not even in the animal kingdom! Bestselling author, actor, and radio personality, Cynthia Brian, debuts her first book in the children’s picture book series, Stella Bella’s Barnyard Adventures, with her charming true-life cadre of characters and endearing illustrations in No Barnyard Bullies, a colorful book about learning to be kind and inclusive.

Cynthia Brian-
Extended Bio
Cynthia Brian, SAG/AFTRA, ASID., Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 literacy and positive media charity, New York Times best selling co-author of Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, author of Be the Star You Are!®, 99 Gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference, Be the Star You Are!® for TEENS, Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers, The Business of Show Business, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, The Blessing of Love and Relationships, No Barnyard Bullies, Family Forever, Books in the Barnyard, and Miracle Moments®, is an internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, personal growth consultant, actor, producer, and host of radio and tv shows, columnist, designer, gardener, and lifestyle coach.
Referred by the media as “the Renaissance woman with soul!”, Cynthia is a world traveler who speaks French, Spanish, Italian, and Dutch. With four decades of experience working in the entertainment field as an actor, producer, writer, coach, designer, and casting director, she has had the honor of performing with some of the biggest names in the industry. Cynthia is a Certified Interior Designer and has had her interior and garden design projects featured in tv, commercials, books, and numerous publications. She wrote, produced, and directed the film, “The Quest for Pure Design”. Cynthia is a much in demand speaker on luxury cruise lines and spas around the world, inspiring others to be the stars they were born to be by creating a life they design.
Because of her devotion to increasing literacy and positive messages in the world, Cynthia founded and is the Executive Director of the 501(c)(3) charity, Be the Star You Are!® empowering women, families and youth at risk. Her motto is “To be a leader, you must be a reader!” GuideStar and Great Non Profits consistently honor Be the Star You Are! as a top-rated non profit. As part of her dedication to giving youth a voice, she created and launched the creative community, Express Yourself™, at http://www.btsya.com. Cynthia created, directs and produces Express Yourself!™ TEEN radio, the #1 most listened to teen program around the world on the Voice America Network with young adult hosts and contributors. Cynthia says “Express Yourself!™ is an uncensored safe haven where youth talk and the world listens!”
As an empowerment architect and life success coach, Ms. Brian is also dedicated to helping others achieve their dreams, recognize the possibilities, and utilize their potential by implementing their unique gifts to be the stars they were born to be. Many aspiring thespians, writers, and professionals have been coached to fun, fame, and fortune through her personal success consultations in acting, media, writing, life skills, and presentations. Because of her energy and passion, companies engage Cynthia’s services as a media spokesperson.
Born on a farm in the Napa Valley in northern California, the eldest of five children, Cynthia raised chickens and sheep, drove tractors, and picked fruit to earn enough money to pay her way through college. After being honored as the Outstanding Teenager of California, she was named teenage ambassador to Holland and served as a foreign correspondent for several newspapers. Her travel expeditions gave birth to her writing, speaking, and coaching career.
Since 2008, Cynthia has been the gardening consultant and inspirational garden columnist for The Lamorinda Weekly and has served as the editor and coach for Teen Scene. As a home, garden, and lifestyle expert she has been privileged to write for internet sites, numerous print publications, and is proud to be a Top Reviewer at Trip Advisor and formerly on the Elite Squad at Yelp. She published her first gardening calendar, A Gardener’s Guide, in 1992.
As a member of NATAS, Cynthia judges in the Emmy Awards and as part of SAG/AFTRA, she has been on the SAG Awards nominating committee as well as votes annually.
Interviewing is a talent this dynamic woman enjoys. Broadcasting live since 1998, Cynthia interviews the authors and experts whom she considers pioneers on the planet. Tune into her award-winning upbeat, positive, internationally broadcast lifestyle radio program, Starstyle-Be the Star You Are!®, every Wednesday on the Voice America Network Empowerment channel.
When you are seeking a seasoned professional writer, actor, speaker, coach, host, or spokesperson for your next project, a business expert with earthiness, exuberance, and personality that garners results, Cynthia Brian is the lady to call!
Cynthia Brian, an empowerment architect and the passion, purpose, and possibility professional, is available for private coaching, consultations, and speaking engagements.
"Cynthia Brian goes for the gusto and never settles for second best. No dream is too great-she living her dream and helps others do the same." Jack Canfield
We are both so thankful for you and your contribution to humanity. The world is a better place because of you.
"Cynthia Brian's advice will make a big difference in your life, so you can have more fulfillment and fun every day!" Deepak Chopra
"We are so thankful for you and your contribution to humanity. The world is a better place because of you." Iron E Singleton, The Walking Dead
"Cynthia's journey of how she lives her dreams will touch and spark the souls of people from every walk of life. Her message is wonderful and inspiring." Ken Dychtwald
What's the best way to become a star? Ask one! And in my book, that's Cynthia Brian." T. Scott Gross
"Cynthia Brian shows you how to live with passion, go for your dreams, and have fun!" David Bach
"Cynthia Brian not only talks the talk, but she walks the walk." Willie Jolley
"Cynthia Brian is a light for love and healing in the world." David Simon
"Cynthia Brian shares lessons for living at the celestial level-straight from the heart." Dr. Wayne Dyer
"Cynthia Brian will help you find your path and way through life. She is what we all need, an excellent guide and coach." Dr. Bernie Siegal
"Cynthia Brian has taken the riches of her experiences and extracted the best for you to make your own career and life shine." Alan Cohen
"I have never met a woman with such enthusiasm, spirit, and positive energy. Cynthia has the unique ability to inspire those around her. She gave me the motivation I needed to go after my news anchor dream.” Melissa Mahan
"Cynthia Brian is a great coach, helping me make the best presentation of my career. But it's not just her coaching, organization, or delivery of information, it's her enthusiasm and positive encouragement that is so contagious and empowering." Cameron Bruce
"Cynthia Brian is one of the most talented, thoughtful, and thorough professionals I've ever worked with. Intensity and passion for creating useful, stable solutions is unmatched. Every project shines brighter when Cynthia Brian is involved." Liz Cosline
"How grateful I am to Cynthia Brian. I feel so honored that she chose to be in my life. Cynthia, I can not say enough about you with my gratitude." Anita Argent, Acting Student
"Thanks to Cynthia Brian, so many doors have opened for me. My college application asked "Who is your role model?" and I wrote down "Cynthia Brian". Cynthia, your selflessness, warmth, and light are inspirational, and you know not the lives you change. Thank you!" Henna Hundal
"Cynthia is AMAZING. She is an expert in her field and moved my career (to Emmy Awards)forward leaps and bounds in a very short time period. Her advice, knowledge, and input are priceless to me and my media career. I highly recommend her as a career coach!!!" Aurea McGary
“We are so proud and grateful for Cynthia Brian and the talents and insight she brings to gardening...stewardship of the earth...growing the gifts of children.” Carol Amstutz
“Cynthia, thank you so much for getting me published! Thanks for your creativity and editing!” Jacqueline Tao
“Cynthia's ability to motivate especially young people is outstanding. It's in her nature to help, educate, and motivate. All her experience and knowledge combined with endless energy makes her a great colleague, friend, and adviser. She is making a difference in the lives of so many as a career coach with her high integrity, on time interactions, and vivacious personality. Cynthia is an asset to our newspaper staff.” Andy Scheck
“We are stunned with the high quality of your writing. The wording and photos express my feelings about our garden. You captured it perfectly. Thank you for making our garden shine.” Pamela Rose
“Cynthia. I am crying. Your story is so beautiful. I am speechless. You are such a fantastic writer!" Darlene Montgomery
“Cynthia Brian is such an inspiration. I’ve never met anyone with so much passion.” Rosylyn Stenzel
“As an author, Cynthia is a wonderful writer with books that inspire her readers. As a radio show host, Cynthia is informed, fun and on point. Of the many radio shows I have appeared on, hers is among my favorites.” Bill Gladstone
"Cynthia is an amazing woman doing incredible things. Her passion for helping others is outshined only by her enthusiasm for the process." David Hancock
“Not all motivational speakers are created equal. Cynthia Brian is cynsational, cyntillating, cynsuous, and cynfully
provocative. There aren’t enough o's in the word
“smooth” to describe her presentation. Cynthia brightens the paths of everyone who comes in contact with her.” Action Jack McClendon
"Cynthia Brian is a 21st century Mother Teresa. Cynthia touched a nation with her empowering speeches and presence when she visited Ireland. Her book, Be the Star You Are!® is filled with stories that inspire and help others to create a better future." Reverend Patrick McGrath
“Cynthia Brian's presentations to our faculty and their significant others were outstanding. She exhibits an ability to energize, inspire, and motivate people to be better than they ever thought they could be and she connects with the audience at every turn. Thanks again for adding to our lives as doctors.” Dean Arthur A Dugoni, DDS, MSD
"Cynthia Brian is a fantastic radio host! I love the way she brings a positive spirit to everything while not shying away from the issues!” Dr. Steve OmoHundro
“Thank you for all you do, and the wonderful opportunities for our authors to experience your show!” Kat Sanborn, Senior Publicist Llewellyn Worldwide
“Thanks, Cynthia for conducting a wonderful interview. You are even better than Miss Oprah! Your questions and comments were both intelligent and insightful and I can see why you and your show are so popular.” Stephen Yanoff
“Cynthia, I just wanted to thank you for this amazing opportunity to be a reporter and host on Express Yourself!™ Teen radio show. I've learned how to improvise and the talents that I've achieved are because of you. You are a terrific teacher and mentor. You are my inspiration.” Asya Gonzalez
"Cynthia Brian is a superb radio host. I admire her energy, attitude, outlook. Many people have much to learn from her…” TJ Hoisington
"Cynthia Brian is a consummate professional and continues to make an impact on thousands with her uplifting, encouraging, and inspiring radio programs, Starstyle®-be the Star You Are!® and Express Yourself™. Many have a desire to help others. Cynthia has acted on her desire, and continues to expand her platform, reaching so many and providing them with both inspiration and hope." Dr. Don Martin
I really enjoyed reading your "Digging Deep" piece which I read over coffee this morning. You are so talented and creative! I'm going to hang this with my gardening supplies as the tips are so helpful; short and sweet!” Cheryl Emmolo, Forman Vineyards, and Emmolo Wines
“You have a wonderful show and wonderful causes. I thank you for what you and your daughter do with your non-profit programs for so many people, particularly young people across the world.” Miriam Herin
"Among all the adults, advisors, and guides who have been around me through my life, YOU are the most inspirational, without a doubt! Your words, stories, dreams for yourself and for us are unique, genuine, kind, and everlasting in my mind. I have said it a few times, but could not say it enough: thank you for the opportunities, confidence, loving teams, and advice you have given me." Katie Choo
"Thank you for being a light in the world! I love the work you are doing." Michele Neff Hernandez, CEO,Soaring Spirits, int.
“You are doing wonderful work in the world as a Light worker. Our future is lucky to have you :), Dr. Bonnie Mclean, Integrative Medicine
"Thanks for all of your contributions to make an award winning paper!" You are such an amazing trooper!" Wendy Scheck, Publisher, Lamorinda Weekly
"Cynthia, you are a fountain of inspiration, joy, and powerful life lessons. Such a pleasure to know you.” Jane Applegath, EpicVision
"Thanks Cynthia Brian for tirelessly working to promote youth and nurture their talent. You are an inspiration." Souma Roy, father of Sharanya on Express Yourself! Teen Radio
"This is more than just a congratulations for your 15 years at the Lamorinda Weekly or for all your years at Be The Star You Are! or any of the other activities you lead but rather its my congratulations for being the person you are. I truly do look up to you!" Larry Tessler, S.C.O.R.E.
"Cynthia, you are serving our world in such an incredible way, helping young people to express themselves in positive and healthy ways, not to mention helping all of us to "Be the Stars we Are!" It is such a gift to know and work with you," Dr. Don Martin, Founder and CEO, Grad School Road Map
"You are a force of nature!" Libby Gill, Brand Strategist
"You are a GIFT and blessing to all." Paul Bogle, Astrologer
"Cynthia, you are amazing. I am so grateful for you and all you do for humanity." Lynn Lippstreu, Realtor
"Cynthia, your children's book is beautiful. You just amaze me. I'm sure you amaze everyone without even knowing it. I'm so proud to be your friend." Jennifer Cook, Quantum Properties and Technology
"Everyone can be a star. Cynthia Brian gives you the inspiration to juice your perspiration to get to your destination!" Mark Victor Hansen