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Books by Cynthia Brian 

"It has been said that all of us are stories waiting to be told. Cynthia Brian tells glorious stories from her own life, along with useful exercises helping the reader understand that their story is also glorious." Richard Nelson Bolles

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Books by Cynthia Brian -
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Cynthia Brian has contributed to numerous anthologies and other books. She is available for SCHOOL VISITS or BOOK CLUB interviews in person or via Zoom for a fee. As a freelance writer, Cynthia is available for hire for your writing needs. Contact for rates and availability. View published articles. Find out more about Cynthia and her books at Waterside Productions, The Authors Guild, or Hometown Reads. Cynthia Spotlight. Check back often!


    "Wow! How did you write 11 books? Dang, super impressive!"

           Rachel Stapholz, Creative Director, Voice America Radio


​"Cynthia, I love everything you have done and are continuing

to do in your life! You are warm, personable, professional, so

knowledgeable and fun! You are leaving it all here with your

wonderful books and shows to help others (especially women!)

Living your legacy. What a rich life!" Amy Margolis, LCSW, Author



                         Cynthia Brian's



Stella Bella's Barnyard Adventures 


               NEWEST  PUBLICATION!

   Books in the Barnyard: Oh Deer!

Based on a true story from Cynthia Brian’s menagerie of adopted animals, Books in the Barnyard: Oh Deer, is the third book in the delightful children’s picture book series, Stella Bella’s Barnyard Adventures. Stella Bella, her children, and her puppy rescue an injured baby fawn after its mother has been killed and introduce her to their barnyard of adopted animals. The dear deer has a surprising superpower that empowers and inspires everyone to realize theirs. 


Read a newspaper article about the series 

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Even dogs love Stella Bella's Barnyard Adventures

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The THIRD book in the children's picture book series of Stella Bella's Barnyard Adventures!


     Books in the Barnyard: Oh Deer!

                based on a True Story

Stella Bella, her children, and her puppy rescue an injured baby fawn after its mother has been killed and introduce her to their barnyard of adopted animals. The dear deer has a surprising superpower that empowers and inspires everyone to realize theirs. Books in the Barnyard: Oh Deer! features many of the beloved creatures from the two previous books while introducing the book-loving, bottle-fed, doe-eyed fawn, Bambina. The creatures and children mutually benefit from stories as they mingle mindfully in nature. Turn the pages, find the funny bunny, and read on for another unexpected adventure on the farm. With colorful watercolor illustrations by Marta Maszkiewicz that bring the prose to life, Books in the Barnyard: Oh Deer! is based on true-life quests and adventures with various species of animals as they discover how to live together in harmony in a diverse barnyard. Read, lead, succeed! 

Proceeds from the sale of the books benefit the 501 c3 charity, Be the Star You Are!® empowering women, families, and youth through increased literacy and positive media messages.

Read newspaper article.


ISBN-13: 978-1-962984-26-3 print edition

ISBN-13: 978-1-962984-27-0 e-book edition

"You were born to write these books! Hope you have 20 more!" Marcia Welch, Chicken Raiser


"I LOVE your story and how you have chosen to use your money to help those in need. You are a rock star!"  Robyn Chance, Fine Artists


The SECOND book in the children's picture book series of Stella Bella's Barnyard Adventures!


        Family Forever

                based on a True Story

Family Forever is the true story of how a tiny, unidentifiable creature became part of the adopted family in Stella Bella’s barnyard. Neither Stella Bella nor any of the animals know what this squeaking baby is until a chihuahua identifies it as a squirrel and becomes his guide and best friend. The goats teach the squirrel to climb, the pigs offer piggyback rides, and the bunnies bounce with him. He feels safe and warm in Stella Bella’s pocket until one day he meets another squirrel and leaves his adopted home with her to start a biological family. The animals remind him that a chosen family is forever. He will always be loved and welcomed home. 


Biological, adopted, or chosen: FAMILY is FOREVER!


Proceeds from the sale of the books benefit the 501 c3 charity, Be the Star You Are!® empowering women, families, and youth through increased literacy and positive media messages. 




ISBN-13: 978-1-960583-03-1 print edition

ISBN-13: 978-1-960583-04-8 e-book edition

Available at

StarStyle® Store with extra goodies

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