“A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings.” Hippocrates
Brigitte Jia recounts her teenage angst with body image and eating as she found a way to be healthy. She interviews author of The Clutter Remedy, Marla Stone, and asks her about ways we can organize our life to be happier, healthier, and clutter-free. There are many valid approaches to getting rid of stuff and creating neat and tidy spaces. But like many diets, most of these approaches fail long-term. That’s because lots of us like our stuff. Marla makes it clear that we should always keep the items we use and love and not worry about becoming a minimalist. She advocates organizing and de-cluttering that reflects and suits the individual, and not some “expert’s” ideal. In Innovation Nation segment, Arjin Claire challenges us to think about how innovation relates to healthy eating and healthy living. It is not just the food that has changed, but the concepts behind the food.
“He who has health has hope. He who has hope has everything.” Arabian proverb
Listen at the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/121907/heathy-eating-healthy-living
BIO: Marla Stone, MSW, is the owner of I-Deal-Lifestyle Inc., which provides decluttering, design, corporate training, and lifestyle coaching services. She is a former social worker and psychotherapist turned professional organizer who helps people live an ideal lifestyle by getting to the root of their mental, emotional, spiritual, and environmental challenges. She lives in Orange County, California. www.i-deal-lifestyle.com
JUST PUBLISHED: Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World and Growing with the Goddess Gardener. Available at www.StarStyleStore.net
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Express Yourself! Teen Radio is produced by Cynthia Brian of Starstyle Productions, llc as an outreach program of Be the Star You Are! charity. To make a tax-deductible donation to keep this positive youth programming broadcasting weekly to international audiences, visit http://www.bethestaryouare.org. Dare to care!
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