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There is No Place Like Home!

Writer's picture: Cynthia BrianCynthia Brian

Updated: Mar 30, 2020

Read Press Pass:

Miracle Moment®

“There’s no place like home” Dorothy Gale, The Wizard of Oz

MESSAGE FROM CYNTHIA BRIAN, Founder/Executive Director

How are you doing? How is your family? Are you safely ensconced at home? How is that going? In our lifetimes, there has never been a global pandemic like what we are experiencing with the coronavirus Covid-19. Hang in there! We will get through this.

One of my all-time favorite films is The Wizard of Oz. The book and the movie have so many critical life lessons and one of the most important is to appreciate what we already have.

In California, on March 19, our Governor Gavin Newsom issued a stay-at-home order to protect the health and well-being of all Californians and to establish consistency across the state in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. The order outlined a few essential services that could remain open including medical facilities, pharmacies, gas stations, banks, laundromats, and some government agencies. Most companies, restaurants, stores, and businesses are shuttered. Schools and universities are closed. Freeways are almost empty, many parks, trails, and beaches are closed. Everyone is mandated to maintain a personal distance of six feet from another person. The Twilight Zone has become a reality.

Our Be the Star You Are!® and StarStyle® offices closed on March 12 and will continue to be closed until the shelter-in-place decree is lifted. There is financial loss and, like others, I am concerned about paying the rent, utilities, and expenses, personally, professionally, and for Be the Star You Are®. However, I am grateful to have a comfortable home office and library from which I can work. The numerous personal projects on my To-Do list are finally getting attention. Because I am spending so many hours in my garden, it has never looked better, and my barnyard of adopted animals keeps me very grounded and occupied. Farm chores are never-ending. Home is where my heart is and I am thankful, despite the dire circumstances, to be spending time in peaceful isolation.

Not everyone is happy about the command to remain at home, especially if it is not possible to work from home. We all miss seeing family, friends, and co-workers. We yearn to go out to dinner, theater, events, and parties. Life has changed very suddenly and each day can be scary, confusing, and debilitating.

My husband’s office is closed. He wants to go to work. He worries for his patients, staff, and people. Income loss is a major stress point and he fears that his practice may not survive this crisis. It is hard when the work one does is not doable remotely,

Everyone is in the same predicament. This morning the publisher of the wonderful newspaper for which I write, The Lamorinda Weekly, announced that this week’s publication will be the last until advertising revenue returns. All of my in-person speaking bookings have been canceled. Many companies have or may have to close their doors, never to reopen.The trickle down affects each of us negatively. Employers and employees are struggling to find equitable solutions to survive this emergency.

As a literacy and empowerment non-profit, we want to do our part to provide resources to entertain, instruct, and uplift you during these very challenging and stressful times.

Reading is a relaxing and rewarding way to pass productive time while at home. Publisher’s Weekly said it best, “As more families shift to manage their studies and work remotely, and Americans seek both information and escape, we are proud and heartened to find books are the source that will sustain us through this challenging moment. From the authors, agents, publishers, and everyone who helps create them, to the readers who turn their pages, we’re grateful for you all.”

Here are FREE RESOURCES that may help sustain you and your family through our home stays.

1. Books for everyone from the Association of American Publishers:

2. Book Reviews written by our volunteers for all genres of books to help parents, librarians, and teachers:

3. From our literacy partner, The Reading Tub, book reviews and recommendations, bringing literacy home to families:

4. From our favorite kids author,Brooks Olbrys, a narrated video for ages 4-8 of the first five chapters of The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob#1- A Journey Begins:

"Decide what you love, what excites and inspires,

then make that your purpose and watch what transpires.” Doc, the Turtle

5. If you love nature and gardening, a plethora of gardening articles:

If there was ever a time to stop and smell the roses, that time is now!

6. For teens, by teens, Express Yourself!™ Radio hosts and reporters continue to interview fantastic guests. Listen to 9 years of incredible interviews :

Recent guests include Mega Best Selling Author Dr. Bernie Siegel, Start-Ups guru Trevor Blake, Branding Expert Priya Florence Shaw, and coming April 5, author Jennifer Keishin Armstrong will discuss Pop Star Goddesses with 35 of our favorite musical stars.

For information on new weekly episodes and guests, visit

7. Lifestyle radio programming at its best, StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® offers you over 728 hours of LIVE uplifting, informative, empowering broadcasts showcasing celebrities, authors, successperts, and the pioneers the planet.

Tune in on April 8th for a celebration of Passover and Easter and a stroll through Monet’s Garden.

Beginning on Wednesday, April 15 at 4:30pm PT, join us for Wine Wednesdays with sommelier, Heather Brittany. Each week we’ll raise a glass and learn about a different varietal. We can all use a little vino during this down time and Heather Brittany kbrings us the party to put the bloom on the doom. It's Wine Time! Salute!

New LIVE shows every Wednesday from 4-5pm PT:

8. Find simple ways to bring joy to others with Karen Kitchel’s Scattering Kindness, a short blog that reminds you to smile.

9. Get inspired with audio and video interviews about purpose, passion, and possibilities:

Other Resources

If you or your business is in need of financial help, low-interest emergency loans are available through the Small Business Administration.

For factual information about Covid-19 visit these sites:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

The World Health Organization at for updates.

As Mr Roger’s said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’"

I and everyone affiliated with Be the Star You Are!® are helpers. We are here to support you through this struggle.

Our prayers and gratitude go out to all of the medical workers, first responders, and those on the front lines who are risking their lives to save others. We also send our thanks to the companies and individuals who are stepping up to help procure supplies and to those who work in essential services that must stay open to the public. Make sure to show your appreciation in whatever way you are able to these unsung heroes.

Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay sane. Meditate and Breathe!

Remember, “This, too, shall pass.”

Sending virtual hugs, elbow bumps, and wellness wishes.

Enjoy springtime as you harbor at home!

Cynthia Brian

Founder/Executive Director

Be the Star You Are!®

PO Box 376

Moraga, California 94556

P.S. During the lock-down, I am available for consultations, webinars, interviews, or speaking via on-line sources only. If interested, email or visit


The May 9th Moraga Community Faire and Family Fun Booth of Be the Star You Are!® have been postponed until the Coronavirus and personal distancing is over. We will keep you posted when a new date has been scheduled. In the meantime, please visit the website of our generous SuperStar Sponsor, GreenAir, your energy solutions company, GreenAir did the solar installation for Cynthia Brian several years ago and she highly recommends this company. Become sustainable,. Go GREEN!


Be the Star You Are!® is committed to the highest level of transparency! Our organization earned the 2020 Platinum Seal of Transparency from Guidestar, showcasing the progress and results we’re making toward our mission! We’re proud to use GuideStar Platinum to share our full and complete story with the world. To reach the Platinum level, we added extensive information to our Nonprofit Profile.

About GuideStar: In February 2019, GuideStar joined forces with Foundation Center

to form Candid, a new 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Today, GuideStar is a service

of Candid. Every year, millions of nonprofits spend trillions of dollars around the world. Candid finds out where that money comes from, where it goes, and why it matters. Through research, collaboration, and training, Candid connects people who want to change the world to the resources they need to do it. Candid’s data tools on nonprofits,foundations, and grants are the most comprehensive in the world. Learn more

at and on Twitter @CandidDotOrg.


Make a tax-deductible donation today!


Since we need to stay at home and only go out when absolutely necessary, these are on-line shopping portals that will sell you what you need, offer discounts, and assist our mission as a nonprofit. Please use these web sites for all of your shopping essentials,

1. AmazonSmile donates .5% of purchases

3. Giving Assistant: Shop. Earn. Give! Use Giving Assistant to earn cash at 3500+ popular online stores, then donate a percentage to BTSYA:

& buy from your favorite stores.

4. Search and GoodShop: Choose Be the Star You Are as your charity to support. You can log in with Facebook, too!

5. Shop at over 1300 stores on IGIVE:

6. BTSYA Logo Store:

9. Buy “Read, Lead, Succeed” T-shirts and tanks $19.99 at StarStyle® Store:

10. Are you a gamer, lover of new software, or other digital content? Buy all of your favorites at Humble Bundle.

We appreciate a direct donation most of all via PAYPAL GIVING FUND at

Checks can be sent to PO Box 376, Moraga, California 94556


Direct Links you can use for Be the Star You Are!®




We invite you to volunteer, get involved, or make a donation. Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND and PAYPAL with 100% going to BTSYA with NO FEES:


Classified Ads:

If you’d like to advertise your service or product while supporting Be the Star You Are!®, we are now accepting approved ads that will benefit readers. Contact for details.

Home is where the heart is and right now our bodies need to be there, too. There IS no place like home. Stay heathy. Stay HOME.

PO Box 376

Moraga, California 94556

All donations are 100% Tax Deductible according to law. Thank you!

Home is where the heart is


Passion, Purpose, & Possibility Producer

Empowerment Architect
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