Are you interested in writing, or seeing your written work published? Do you want to add the words 'published author' to your list of accomplishments? If so, listen in as multi-award winning author Roland Allnach guides you through the tricky landscape of the publishing world. As an author of six published books, Roland has worked with small press, self-publishing, short story publication, and marketing. Based on his critically acclaimed book "The Writer's Primer: A Practical Guide for Aspiring Authors Seeking Publication", you won't want to miss out on valuable, real world insights from a working author, Roland Allnach.
Enjoy a healthy, glowing, happy face with Heather Brittany in Health Matters as she shares simple secrets to fleshing out any skin troubles.
Fall is the best time to sow wildflower seeds because the earth is warm, the nights are cool, and the rains are coming to help the seeds sprout. Garden Goddess Cynthia Brian helps you create a wildflower meadow in any space.
Bio: Roland Allnach’s books have received unanimous critical praise, have been featured on national and local television as well as terrestrial and Internet radio, and have been honored with more than a dozen national book awards. When not immersed in his imagination, Roland can be found at his website, rolandallnach.com, along with a wealth of information about his stories and experiences as an author. Writing aside, his joy in life is the time he spends with his family. http://www.rolandallnach.com
December 3: I will return to Brookwood Hall, 10am, for a Holiday Book Fair
December 18: Holiday Book Fair, along with seventeen other local
Listen LIVE at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/95723/writers-primer-with-roland-allnach-skin-secrets-sowing-wildflowers
PRESS PASS: https://vapresspass.com/2016/11/14/writers-primer-roland-allnach-skin-secrets-sowing-wildflowers-cynthia-brian/
Check out this episode on StarStyle Radio with photos and descriptions: http://www.starstyleradio.com/starstyle-radio
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Read about our SUCCESSFUL VOLUNTEERS: READ AT PRESS PASS: http://vapresspass.com/2015/04/23/something-to-crow-about-at-express-yourself/
Catch up with all broadcasts on ITunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/starstyle-be-the-star-you-are!/id669630180?mt=2
Buy books by Cynthia Brian at http://starstyleradio.net/Store.html
Amazon Store:http://www.amazon.com/shops/be_the_star_you_are_charity
The award winning positive talk radio program, StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® broadcasts on the Voice America Empowerment Channel LIVE every Wednesday from 4-5pm Pt/7-8pm ET. http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2206/be-the-star-you-are. Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany are the Mother/Daughter dynamic duo who have been co-hosting this program live weekly since 1998 bringing upbeat, life enhancing conversation to the world. With Cynthia’s expertise in interviewing the trailblazers, authors, and experts and Heather’s healthy living segments, these Goddess Gals are your personal growth coaches helping you to jumpstart your life while igniting your flame of greatness. Brought to the airwaves under the auspices of the literacy and positive media charity, Be the Star You Are!®, (http://www.BetheStarYouAre.org) each program will pump your energy to help you live, love, laugh, learn, and lead.
For photos, descriptions, links, archives, and more, visit http://www.StarStyleRadio.com.
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Make a donation today to Be the Star You Are!® charity http://www.bethestaryouare.org
Cynthia Brian talks about the empowering outreach programs offered by Be the Star You Are!® charity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHglz05pBvI&feature=youtu.be
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Be the Star You Are!® charity. Every Season is for Giving Make a donation today. http://www.bethestaryouare.org/donate.htm
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