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Celebrating May and Mothers

Miracle Moment®

“When I was 5 years old, my mother told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment. I told them they didn’t understand life.” John Lennon

Message from Executive Director, Cynthia Brian

Mothers are our first teachers. They are our foundation, the person with whom we laugh, cry, argue, share secrets, screen secrets, and always know that Mom will have our back. We may not always agree, but we know we are always loved. Make sure to celebrate your Mom on her special day. Send a card, make a call, bring her flowers, but most of all make sure to tell her how grateful you are for all of the sacrifices she’s made over the years in your best interest. Tell her you love her.

If you stop by the Be the Star You Are!® booth at the Moraga Community Faire on Saturday, May 12th, pick up a bag of complimentary potpourri to give your Mom and buy her an autographed book that she’ll treasure. If you can’t come to the Faire, go online to

If she is a baseball fan, buy her tickets to our June 15thA’s versus Angels game where she’ll also get to enjoy fireworks.

We welcome our new volunteers and encourage your to visit to read the numerous book reviews written by our Star Book Review Team to help you choose books you’ll love. Our partner, The Reading Tub, ( will soon have a terrific new website where you’ll be able to enjoy these fantastic reads.

Congratulations to all of the young people who will be graduating in the next month. Get ready to soar.

Thanks for supporting Be the Star You Are!®

Love to Mother’s Everywhere!

Cynthia Brian

Founder/Executive Director

Be the Star You Are!®

PO Box 376

Moraga, California 94556

P.S. If you would like me to do come to your event to speak or do a book signing, please shoot me an email,


Mark your calendars for Saturday May 12, 2018 from 11-4pm for the Moraga Community Faire. Car show, entertainment, wine and beer gardens, activities for kids, art, music, food trucks, and lots of fun booths for your enjoyment. The Be the Star You Are!® booth is always a favorite as we give away FREE books to increase literacy.

Thanks to Michael VerBrugge Construction for sponsoring the booth,


June 15thBaseball Game with the Oakland A’s versus the Los Angeles Angels

The Oakland Athletics is celebrating their 50thAnniversary .Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 charity has been designated the “Nonprofit of the Night” for the Friday June 15thgame against the Los Angeles Angels.Game starts at 6:35pm. Dinosaur “Jurassic Park” fireworks display will be presented after the game with all BTSYA attendees being able to go on the field to view. If BTSYA sells 1000 tickets, someone from our group will get to throw the first pitch.

RAFFLE tickets only $5.00for the opportunity for 2 people to go to a pre-game batting practice and meet the players. To be entered in raffle, send checks amd include name, email, and phone number to:

Be the Star You Are!®

PO Box 376

Moraga, California 94556

Must buy tickets before May 25th. This would be a great Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Gift. Or gather a group of friends and come party with us!


By Karen Kitchel

I vividly remember the Sunday afternoon in May many years ago when I decided to go walking at the mall for something to do. While passing a restaurant, I was offered a red rose, which I politely declined while saying "I'm not a mother." As I was driving home, I glanced at a car next to mine and noticed a cheerful woman eating a purple popsicle. I thought about how she was celebrating this Mother's Day with her family.

Several years later I was on my way to the airport for what was to become one of the happiest days of my life. My baby son was arriving from Korea. I got to the airport more than two hours early, just to be sure I wouldn't miss his flight. After what felt like an eternity, I heard someone say "the plane has landed." My heart burst with joy when my son was placed in my arms. The social worker said in all the years she had welcomed babies into their new families, she had never seen a happier mother.

This year on Mother's Day, I will look into the eyes of my 33 year-old son and remember how he made my dream come true. And if anyone should offer a rose, I'll gladly take it!

Karen Kitchel is the happy mother of two adopted children and is passionate about helping those who are homeless or disadvantaged. She previously served as President of Cheerful Givers, a nonprofit organization, and Director of BI University at BI Worldwide. She can be reached at

Be the Star You Are!® Loves Our Volunteers

Be The Star You Are is a game changer! By providing platforms for youth to express themselves and build the confidence they need to succeed in the real world, the organization empowers and uplifts the future generation. For the tremendous impact BTSYA has had on my life, I am eternally grateful. Henna Hundal

“BTSYA is a beautiful organization that I’m proud to have been a part of even for a fleeting second. I hope it continually thrives and I hope you never lose that passion to help others. And thank you for this incredible opportunity.” Cynthia Cheng


When you are looking for upbeat, positive, informative, and entertaining talk radio, tune in to StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® LIVE Wednesdays 4-5pm PT on the Voice America Network Empowerment Channel.

Also available in the archives and itunes anytime. Descriptions and photos at

Our teens interview authors, celebrities, and entrepreneurs NOON PT every Tuesday on Express Yourself! on Voice America Kids Network.

Also available in the archives and itunes anytime. Descriptions and photos at


If you would like to make a direct donation to our giving fund, please visit our PayPal page!


We appreciate a direct donation most of all via PAYPAL GIVING FUND at

Checks can be sent to PO Box 376, Moraga, California 94556

But here are other easy ways that assist our mission and don’t cost you a dime!

1. AmazonSmile donates .5% of purchases

4. Use GoodSearch to search the web & buy from your favorite stores,. Choose Be the Star You Are as your charity to support. You can log in with Facebook, too!

5. Shop at over 1300 stores on IGIVE:

6. BTSYA Logo Store:

7. Giving Assistant: Shop. Earn. Give! Use Giving Assistant to earn cash back at 1800+ popular online stores, then donate a percentage to BTSYA: - be-the-star-you-are-inc

9. Buy “Read, Lead, Succeed” T-shirts and tanks $19.99:

10.Are you a gamer, lover of new software, or other digital content? Buy all of your favorites at Humble Bundle.

GIFT IDEA: T-shirts and Tanks are only $20. 100% cotton, well made with “Read, Lead, Succeed!” Shop at our StarStyle® Store:


Positive Results:

About Us:


How to Help:



Contact us:

Paypal Giving Fund:

Wishing every Mother a Beautiful, Restful Day. Kudos to you for being the beacon of light in the darkness. We LOVE Moms!

Be the Star You Are!®

PO Box 376

Moraga, California 94556


Passion, Purpose, & Possibility Producer

Empowerment Architect
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